
Stay Secure With Knowledge From The Top Cyber Security Websites For 2022

by | Apr 14, 2022

For most people, cyber security is a mystery. You know you’re supposed to have different passwords for all of your accounts, but what else is there? 

Technology is forever changing, and it seems like it’s impossible to keep up with all the evolving ways hackers create to disrupt our businesses and our lives. It might be easy to recognize common email scams, but hackers and scammers are only getting more creative. Even a normally cautious person might unknowingly leave themselves vulnerable to cyber attacks. 

You don’t have to struggle through the murky waters of cyber security alone. The internet is chock full of valuable resources and experts in cyber security. Moreover, there are a ton of free resources to help keep your businesses safe, including popular cyber security sites that help keep the average internet user informed. 

9 Most Popular Cyber Security Websites To Visit In 2022

We can’t afford to ignore the dangers of using the internet. Whether you work 100% remote on your home computer or simply scroll on social media, everyone is at risk. Check out some of our favorite sites for helpful tips and tricks to make navigating online safer and stay informed on worldwide cyber security news. 

Want to learn what Brooks IT Services can do to protect your business? Contact us today to ensure your business is secure against all threats. 

1. Hacker News

Founded in 2010, Hacker News is a cyber security publication with over 8 million monthly readers. They report on large-scale data breaches, cyber attacks, and other common security vulnerabilities. 

If you sign up for their daily newsletter, you can read the latest news in the IT industry and cyber community over your morning coffee. You can also follow them on most social media platforms and have your daily dose of cyber security news pop up on your newsfeed. If you’d like to connect with the cyber security community, Hacker News also organizes in-person meetups, conferences, events, and more.

2. Hak5

Hak5’s mission is to advance information security through various forms of media, including their award-winning podcast. 

They also pride themselves on fostering an inclusive community. You can join Hak5 forums and Discord servers dedicated to helping, inspiring, and providing feedback for people who are passionate about security research. 

If you’re interested in identifying weaknesses in your applications, you can also browse their industry leading selection of pentest gear. 

3. Daniel Miessler

Daniel Miessler is an information security professional and writer. He created the blog, Daniel Miessler, in 1999 as a platform to collect his technical knowledge. What started out as a practice for Miessler to solidify his learning through writing is now also a thriving database. 

Today, the site contains over 2,500 essays, posts, tutorials, articles, and more. You can take a peek into the past and explore the history of cyber security by viewing the full archives dating back to 1996. However, if you’d like to multitask on your commute, you can check out his weekly podcast, Unsupervised Learning

If you’re looking for a site where you can learn more about cybersecurity, while also philosophizing over concepts like human meaning and personal productivity, this site is the perfect blend for you.

4. CSO

Chief Security Officer Online, or CSO, provides news on security and risk management. Their website covers a broad range of content to address all security disciplines. For example, they cover everything from risk management to data loss prevention. 

CSO is a great resource for internet users outside of the United States, as they report on international security news. You can also customize your newsfeed to focus on news from specific countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, Germany, and ASEAN. 

5. The Last Watchdog On Privacy & Security

Byron V. Acohido, Pulitzer prize winning journalist, founded The Last Watchdog on Privacy & Security to cover the complex privacy and security issues of our time. 

While Acohido is the primary writer for The Last Watchdog, the website includes a variety of guest posts from other cyber security professionals, educational videos, podcast episodes, and a helpful Questions & Answers section. 

Does protecting your businesses from scammers feel like a huge task? Contact Brooks IT Services for expert advice and get back to running your business.

6. Scambaiter YouTube Channel

If you’re looking for equal parts entertainment and educational content, then you can learn more about the world of online scams from Scambaiter. A scambaiter is a type of vigilante (the internet’s own Batman, if you will) that tracks down, exposes, and even scams the world’s scammers. 

The popular Youtube channel has over 1.3 million subscribers and dozens of video uploads. In these videos, audiences are exposed to common scams and tactics used by scammers. Additionally, these videos often record scambaiters hacking into the computers of scammers and sending them their exact location or their real names. 

Many scambaiters upload videos to better educate the general public against these tactics. While some scambaiters simply like to waste scammers’ time, others often pass off information to the authorities. While Scambaiter is one of the most popular channels of this kind, there are many others like it across Youtube, TikTok, and other social media platforms. 

7. Dark Reading

Dark Reading is a cyber security news site and online community for security professionals. The publication reports on cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and technology trends and prides itself on keeping data and internet users safe.

Their database is a vast collection of resources, including reports, academic papers, and more. They also organize webinars and live events to continue the discussion face-to-face. 

8. Avast

Avast is a free award-winning antivirus software with advanced protection for iOS, Android, and PC. With over 435 million active monthly users, they are one of the most trusted cyber security websites in the industry. Additionally, they have a variety of trusted premium plans that include security tools like a VPN. 

After you download your free antivirus, you can also check out Avast’s blog. They report news from the security world, provide in-depth technical articles on security threats, and interview experts for guides on online privacy. 

9. Krebs On Security

Brian Krebbs, a former reporter for the Washington Post, accidentally became a cyber security blogger in 2001, when a Chinese hacking group overran his entire home network. After this misfortune, he became interested in learning everything he could about computer and internet security. He now shares his knowledge on his blog, Krebs On Security

Krebs is well known for covering high-profile scams of cybercriminals and provides in depth research and news on security. You can also subscribe to his newsletter or check out his blog for daily updates. 

Brooks IT Services Covers All Your Cyber Security Needs and News

Reading articles and staying updated is a great start to keeping you and your business safe from the world of hackers. But, we also know that business owners have a million and one responsibilities on their plate. If you need more than just the right information, Brooks IT Services can provide the support. 

You can visit the Brook IT Services website for informative blogs and news on the cyber security industry, or contact us today to learn how we can keep your small business safe and thriving.