
5 Tips From The Experts On Speeding Up Slow Computer Startup

by | Nov 15, 2021

Does your computer seem to be taking longer and longer to startup? 

Lagging startup times can creep up on unsuspecting users gradually or suddenly. Depending on the cause of the slow computer startup, you could be looking at a simple fix or crossing your fingers that your computer safely backed up your data.

Speed Up Slow Computer Startup

Whether your slow computer startup stems from a ransomware attack or just too many open tabs, we’re here to help you optimize your system.

1. Ensure Your Computer’s Defense System Is Set To Update Regularly

One of the most commonly overlooked security issues could be what’s slowing down your computer’s boot time. While you probably have several defenses built into your system, if they’re not updating – they’re not able to do their jobs.

For instance, you most likely have a firewall, antivirus software, anti-malware software, anti-spyware software, etc. However, each of these performs tasks based on the information they obtain during updates. Otherwise, you could be dealing with several viruses slowing down your computer startup.

All this to say, the hackersphere is fleshing out new cyberattacks daily. The only way for your system’s defenses to be aware of the new threats to look out for is by scheduling regular updates for your firewall and all defensive software.

Not sure if your computer has fallen victim to hackers and viruses? Don’t wait for things to get worse. Reach out to Brooks IT Services to ensure your system is secure with long-lasting solutions.

2. Disable Applications From Automatically Opening During Startup

We get it. There are probably a few things you like having open on your computer. It just makes getting into the groove of work a little easier when everything is already up and running on your screen.

While having certain apps open automatically when your computer starts up seems convenient, it’s also likely the cause of your slow computer startup. 

A quick way to speed up your computer’s booting time is to disable most (or all) applications from automatically opening during startup. 

3. Invest In Extra Storage If Your Hard Drive Is Hitting Capacity 

Another common cause of slow computer startup is an overloaded hard drive. If you have tons of pictures, videos, music, or anything else – it may be time to invest in additional storage. 

Cloud Storage

Of course, we recommend utilizing the cloud. When the cloud stores your data, you can rest assured that it will be both safe and accessible. Cloud servers are increasing in popularity for several reasons, including:

  • Data is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Easily manage who is and is not allowed to access your data
  • Natural disasters such as floods, fires, and tornados will not damage data
  • Thieves cannot pick up and take off with your server
  • Mishandling a device will not damage your data
  • No extra devices to carry around increasing the risk of loss of theft


If we’ve (somehow) not convinced you to embrace the cloud, another option is an SSD. Solid State Disk (SSD) are hard drives without moving parts. 

Unlike hard drives with moving parts, SSDs are far less likely to be damaged due to human error, natural disaster, or mechanical failure. The moving parts within “regular” hard drives typically fail after remaining stationary for too long and have a much shorter shelf life.

But even with an SSD hard drive, your chances of losing data are far higher than if you were storing data in the cloud.

Ready to move to the cloud? Contact Brooks IT Services to find out how we can migrate your data safely and efficiently with BITSCloud.

4. Avoid Unnecessary Software Updates & Crapware Overloading Your Computer

From unnecessary updates to non-essential programs, there are several things you can do to speed up your computer’s startup.

Unnecessary Software Updates

While the health of your computer depends on regularly scheduled updates for your defensive software, that doesn’t mean every app should update automatically.

Just like your antivirus software, other programs improve through updates. However, too many updates will overload your computer.

When this occurs, you will likely notice a slower computer startup time. If this is happening to you, go ahead and turn off unnecessary automatic updates for other types of software.

If you want help remembering to update certain software, plug in a reminder on your calendar. This way, you can still fully optimize your system without dealing with lagging startup, download, and upload times. 

Crapware Overload

The term “crapware” refers to the non-essential software and hardware that likely came pre-loaded on your machine.

If you’re a Windows user, you’ve probably seen the floating Windows logo during startup or shut down. This is a Graphical User Interface (GUI), and while it may be calming to watch and hope it hits a corner, it’s unnecessary and can be uninstalled. 

Furthermore, most computers come pre-loaded with third-party software. These programs may be running in the background, doing nothing but slowing down your computer and its startup time. Even worse, these are typically easily infiltrated by hackers. To speed up and improve your computer’s security, it’s best to talk to your IT expert about removing anything non-essential.

Another overlooked data suck on your system is the unused fonts. Unless you rely on a wide variety of fonts, it’s a good idea to remove or hide a good chunk of them. Doing so will free up space to boost your computer startup time and your overall user experience.

5. Investigate Boot Delays To See What Is Causing Slow Computer Startup

Luckily for Microsoft users, a tool called Event Viewer can help you figure out exactly what is causing your slow computer startup. 

Utilize Event Viewer

Not only does Event Viewer show you the time it’s taking to boot into Windows, but it will also show you which programs are the culprits of a slowdown. 

To access this valuable tool, open the Control Panel → System and Security → Administrative Tools → Event Viewer → click the arrow next to Applications and Services Logs → Microsoft → Windows → Diagnostics-Performance → Operational → then soft list by Task Category. 

Once there, look for any item with a “Warning” label. Then decide which of those with the warning label are non-essential to your machine. Either disable or delay those programs.

Turn On Quick Boot In BIOS

When you turn on your computer, its basic input/output system (BIOS) begins to start the computer system. The BIOS manages the data flow between the computer’s operating system (OS) and attached devices (keyboard, printer, hard drive, etc.). However, it may also be running non-essential tasks like counting the system memory. 

To avoid waiting for the BIOS to perform unnecessary tests during startup, turn on Quick Boot. Now your computer will know to ignore those tests and instead focus on startup.

Increase RAM To Allow For Seamless Multitasking

Random-access memory (RAM) is crucial to your computer’s performance. If your essential software alone is causing the slowdown, then you may need to increase RAM. 

Doing so will allow you to carry on as the multitasking wizard you are without slowing down your entire operating system. However, adding unnecessary RAM can also cause your computer to slow down. Make sure to speak with your IT expert to ensure you are adding compatible RAM to your system.

Say Sayonara To Slow Computer Startup With BITS

Brooks IT Services provides worry-free IT protection so that you and your business can focus on successfully moving forward. 

With BITSCare, BITSCloud, and BITSSecure, you can run your business the way you want on a fully optimized network. After all, your business technology should make your life easier, not create more work.

Don’t leave all the hard work you’ve put into your business up to chance. Instead, find out how BITS’ full-service IT solutions can help your business’s ever-changing needs and keep you within your budget. Contact us today to get started!